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Volunteers Packing Food

Homeowner Stories

Member's Stories
Meet Ahmed

It meant a homeownership option he could afford in a neighborhood where he wanted to stay

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Meet Barbara

I know the difference between an organization that does work in the community, and one that works on behalf of community members.

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In the Media

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A homeownership initiative to help the Little Earth community

The Line Media 2012

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A New Model for Homeownership

Star Tribune 2011

Transforming life in north Minneapolis is a
much bigger challenge.

When housing costs soar, Minnesota tenants and homebuyers get creative

MPR News 2022

As the cost of shelter goes up, some people are turning to alternative ways to afford the roof over their head.

When Housing Costs Soar_082020.jpg

Tenants of troubled Minneapolis
landlord become homeowners

Star Tribune 2019

On Friday tenants were all smiles as they became owners of the properties they
lived in. Under the arrangement, the buildings will be rehabbed.

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North Minneapolis African American Housing Opportunity Study

Strategic Goals offered through North Minneapolis African American Housing Opportunity Study

  1. To better understand what housing challenges faced the community

  2. To begin to identify strategic housing policies and supports that would best benefit the African American community

  3. To create opportunities to inform the community about resources that already exist

The North Minneapolis
African American

Housing Opportunity Survey

The Kris Nelson Community-Based Research Program is coordinated by the
Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) at the University of Minnesota,
and is supported by funding from the McKnight Foundation.

Affordable Housing Gap Analysis

The City of Minneapolis is conducting a similar study which kicked off in June 2019 and is scheduled to deliver the final report in early 2020. The city’s Long Term Affordable Housing Policy Study is aimed at understanding the the expansion of long-term affordable housing ownership.

Our Impact

RoCI- 2020

The Return on Community Investment (RoCI) report provides a snapshot of how the City of Lakes
Community Land Trust maximizes public investment in long-term affordable homeownership.

CLCLT Resales Report

From time-to-time, the CLCLT analyzes homeowner resales to measure the effectiveness of its 25% appraisal-based resale formula. The anticipated hope/goal is that the CLCLT is able to serve, on average, households with similar incomes at each resale as the first household(s) served.

CLCLT HO Summary

Each year, the CLCLT updates its numbers on the demographic make-up of who it has served over the life of the organization. Summarizes households served by program as well as by year.

CLCLT Overview

Two-page overview of the CLCLT, including history, programs, and accomplishments.

1930 Glenwood Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55405

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©2024 by City of Lakes Community Land Trust.

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